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From Russia, With Love

When I first came to Russia, I didn’t know a single person. I had only taken two years of Russian language, and even then, it was shaky. I had never left the country before and had just gotten my first passport. It was also my last year of college. As much as I tried not to show it, I was nervous and even a little scared.

Despite the reservations I pushed through because life has shown me that taking risks is always worth it. And I’m glad I did. One of my main goals as a student has been to be open to new perspectives - I’ve found that this makes my knowledge of things more well-rounded. What you see on the TV about Russia is not what you get. Yes, some stereotypes are true.. but some are not. I definitely hit a point during the semester where I was very homesick. Russia isn’t a typical place to study at, and the living standards are much lower than American ones. But after a while, I began to appreciate it. And now as I prepare to permanently leave Russia, I’m scared. Scared that I won’t come back again. I feel like the Russian way of life has become very integral to who I am as a person.

I don’t cry at a lot of things, if it all, but leaving Russia has definitely brought some tears to my eyes. I just didn’t think I would love a place and its people so much. Thank you thank you thank you Russia for being the best thing to happen to me. Я люблю тебя, Россий. ❤️


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